Ingrid Rundberg är en designer med PhD i konstnärlig forskning från Universitetet i Bergen, 2024. Rundberg är verksam inom fältet visuell kommunikation, med en praktik inom publicering, deltagande design och risografi. Genom design undersöker hon teman som demokrati, deltagande, politisk introspektion, arkiv och rum.  Rundberg har en BA i visuell kommunikation, samt en MA i design – båda från Kunst- og Designhøgskolen i Bergen. Hon undervisar på Institutt for design vid Universitetet i Bergen / Fakultet for kunst, musikk og design, samt driver Madrid Publications tillsammans med Mads Andersen. 

Ingrid Rundberg is a designer with a PhD in artistic research from the University of Bergen, 2024. Rundberg is active in the field of visual communication, with a practice in publishing, participatory design and risography. Through design, she investigates themes such as democracy, participation, political introspection, archives and space. Rundberg holds a BA in visual communication, as well as an MA in design – both from the Bergen Academy of Art and Design. She teaches at the Institute for Design at the University of Bergen / Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, and runs Madrid Publications together with Mads Andersen.

University of Bergen profile
Research Catalogue
Madrid Publications

2024 © Ingrid RundbergBergen,